If you are not sure about –
Ø What is the difference between DCE and DTE?Ø What is the significance of RTS, DTS, CS, ACK, NACK, STX, ETX etc in Serial Communication?Ø Whether to implement event based or time based communication?Ø Whether to transmit data in Hex, ASCII or Hex dumps?Ø Which combination of Baud rate, data bits, parity bit, hardware flow, and stop bit one should use?
> If you don’t know that native JAVA doesn’t have unsigned bytes and serial communication is less error prone if you transmit data in unsigned bytes.
If you are looking for a very simple solution to implement the complex flow of serial communication?Ø If you are looking for a JAVA based solution of serial communication?
If answers to most of questions are YES, then you are at right page. Here we will go through a small tutorial to make you master of serial communication in JAVA.
Ø This tutorial assumes that you have eclipse install on your system.
Ø You have basic knowledge of JAVA.